My rating: 4 of 5 stars
'Mindfulness in Everyday Life' by Jere Taft offers its readers a jump start to a new lifestyle of meditation. Most people know how difficult it can be to integrate changes in our daily lives. Consistency is probably the most difficult part for anyone attempting to change their lifestyle or daily habits that have been practiced for years. It seems natural to get up out of bed in the morning, brush your teeth, shower and have breakfast, coffee, or whatever the case may be, but in realty you have trained yourself to do these things on a regular basis. It starts with the training you received from your parents, they woke you up in order to go to school, which began a lifetime of morning routine. You weren't born doing these things, your parents helped train your mind and body to do them making them seem quite natural today.
Meditation works the same way and Jere's book gives you an easy guide to begin that training. His easy to follow steps will help put you on a path to achieve the clarity you deserve. This book offers exercises that will start you on your journey to meditation offering you step by step instructions on how to begin your journey and most importantly how to keep going and reach your goals.
I feel there was a part of the journey missing in this book and that would be Jere's personal journey. Although this books offers explanations of why, how and when, a reader considering beginning this new journey, an easy way to integrate the process into their daily lives, leading them on the path to success, I feel having Jere's personal experiences of why, how and when he began his journey would have brought the book to a new level.
Overall, I would recommend this book to readers looking to start their own journey.
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