Friday, 8 May 2020

How Did That Mouse Get In Our House by Reid Kaplan
***** Five Stars

What an awesome children's story. I loved the mouse on the cover so much I one-clicked this book and I'm so glad I did, what an wonderful story to go along with the brilliant illustrations.

Bravo! To both the author and illustrator. The final product is nothing short of spectacular. I highly recommend this book to anyone with or without children, because it was such a fun read.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Review: Mr. Naughty List

Mr. Naughty List Mr. Naughty List by Leta Blake
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another great installment that had me turning the pages. Great stories of love and redemption. After years of yearning for each other, they finally get their wishes.

When a former student of Aaron's turns up in town the learning takes a new direction and Aaron is no longer the teacher!

Great story, can't wait for more!

View all my reviews

Review: Mr. Frosty Pants

Mr. Frosty Pants Mr. Frosty Pants by Leta Blake
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a pleasant surprise this book was. It's one I stumbled across while searching for something new to read and I so glad I did.

A nice heartwarming story of two boys who have ached for each other for far too long. It's awesome to watch love sprout.

Off to read the next installment!

View all my reviews

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Review: The Banished Prince

The Banished Prince The Banished Prince by Zoe Perdita
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Banished Prince
What can I say, Zoe Perdita has done it again.
Great start to what I'm certain will be an awesome series. I love the three characters so far, talk about a mix of every personality... it'll be interesting to see where these three go next!

Waiting patiently, or not so patiently for the next installment!

View all my reviews