18 and Life on Skid Row by
Sebastian Bach
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
18 and Life on Skid Row
I Remember You!
As a fan of Sebastian Back (Probably because he's a fellow Torontonian) reading this book gave me an insight to the man himself, which was completely unexpected. I've read a few reviews about how the book jumps in time and other nonsense, but really if I think back on my own life and had to write it all down, I'm pretty sure I'd be all over the place too, so give him some slack. I give Sebastian praise for taking on this feat and finishing it. It's hard to write a book and even harder to write your own story I'm sure. I understand why he wanted to write it, rather than pay someone else—I wouldn't trust anyone with my life story either.
This book brought back to so many good times I had forgotten. What a trip down memory lane. I love and miss my carefree days of youth, but I'm also glad I'm not that young and naive anymore! I do believe some things were glossed over or left out entirely, but do we really need to know every intimate detail of someones life—I for one don't. I think this book gave just the right amount of detail.
Thanks for taking the chance and writing the book, it was very enjoyable. Much success to you in the future!
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